
Dimensional Space

Duccio di Buoninsegna, (c1308-11) Christ's entry into Jerusalem, panel from the Maesta, Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana del Duomo, Siena
 In this small panel from the Maesta, Christ and his disciples approach the gate to Jerusalem greeted by a crowd. Some naturalistic depiction of objects and space is employed, though not linear perspective. In the Mediaeval manner Christs's disciples are huddled together because they are a group, similarly the crowd at the gate.

Essentially, Duccio's painting reflects an Aristotelian view of space, in which individual objects contain space, but no universal interconnecting (or abstract) dimensional space exists into which objects may be placed.

For more of my thoughts on dimensional space, see http://criticism-and-interpretation.wikispaces.com/Space+-+dimensional

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